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Trump/Biden Campaigns Are a House of Cards

Are you an "interested party"?

  • Maryann

    For years I have felt that there was a "purple party", the "majority in the middle", who could take the good parts from the left and the right and create a bi-partisan party that would lead this great country forward.  I have found that in No Labels.  The moment I learned of No Labels, I thought - that's MY party.  And I LOVE the name No Labels (even more than my "purple party" - red and blue together, get it?  LOL!)  Calling it No Labels really spoke to me, because I have also felt that the "labels" we put on ourselves and each other divide people.  Our egos allow us to invalidate and hurt others if we can label them as different from us.  But, when we are unified, when we are one - we are more likely to more through life with compassion, empathy and charity.  Let's do this!!

  • Bob
    Voted No

    Time to nominate someone with ability, not perceived "electability. 

  • Teresa
    Voted Yes

    I need to see our political parties working together to solve cirtical issues our country faces. The current way it is, both parties seem to think there is only a market for rancor and extremism. I am not interested in rancor and extremism. I am for thoughtful, well-reasoned argument and discussion to achieve beneficial solutions.  

  • Andrea
    Voted Maybe

    we have listened to survivors and watched videos of the barbaric savagery committed by Iranian backed Hamas on October 7. The Biden admin has loosened sanctions and allowed billions of dollars to flow to Iran. The policies of appeasement are not working. We need new leadership who have a plan to secure our borders and weaken our enemies, while strengthening our economy and safety here at home. Yes we need to support our allies and defeat the most heinous of Terror groups. Biden's policy of "don't" does not seem to be deterring Iran whose proxies have already attacked our personnel in Iraq and sent ballistic missiles from Yemen. We are at a juncture, where it is critical for the US to come together and unify this great country. We need leaders with backbones who will enforce our laws. Can a No Labels unity ticket take some of the proven policies of the Trump admin and combine with strong policies and leader ship that will unite the American people?

  • colleend

    I am not a registered member of the Republican or Democratic Party.  I vote based on who I feel has the strongest integrity.  What I don't like today in the Republicans is their overall attitude of "our way or no way".  They make fun of fellow Republicans that work with the Democrats.  To me, to truly be a democracy, they have to be work across the aisles.  The Republicans blame the debacle that occurred over the House Speaker on the Democrats!!!  What???  A Democrat didn't start the process to oust McCarthy and they aren't going to vote for a Republican anymore than a Republican is going to vote for a Democrat.  Plus, anyone that continues supporting Donald Trump and won't claim the election was not stolen has no business in Washington, D.C.  Donald Trump has ruined so many lives with his lies, lies, lies, and for the life of me, I don't see how any American supports him.  His continued chants of the 2020 election being stolen has given me a thought - is he a guilty dog barking the loudest?  Did he steal the 2016 election from Hilary Clinton?  She did have the popular vote - did he have fake electors at that time as well?  Makes me wonder.  So, my point.  We want honesty in Washington, D.C. and everyone - regardless if Republican, Democrat, No Labels, Independent - working TOGETHER.  It's can't be one way or no way!  Also, the abortion issue and a ban on semi-automatic weapons should be a nation wide vote.  I'm not saying take away guns - just those that rip young children to shreds in mass shootings.  There is too much lobbying on these issues.  It should be decided by the people!  Also, I cringe everytime I hear a Republican saying they're up there working for the American people!  Well, guess what Republican buddy...some of those American people are Democrats so if you are working for the American people - work for all of them and compromise!!!!  

  • xbear1951
    Voted Yes

    A replay of the last presidential election is offering a unique window to elect a leader who's mission will be to govern on a bipartisan basis. This is the insurance policy No Labels is working to make a reality. 

  • Brndnann
    Voted Maybe

    I have said for more than a year that I will not vote for either Donald Trump (never Trumper) or Biden (only made that mistake once).  I sincerely hope that No Labels provides a viable 3rd candidate.  Otherwise, I'm staying home.

  • Barry
    Voted Yes

    I think that this is a most important movement and idea as our Country can no longer be held hostage by the extremist, minority views that dominate both the Democrat and Republican parties.

  • AltoEd

    Honestly, I've followed No Labels because of David Walker, former Comptroller General of the USA is involved.  I heard Mr. Walker speak in 2010 at an AICPA Financial Planning Conference regarding our fiscal positon. No one has listened to him as he tried to explain through media and publications.  People can read the financial statements of hte USA where the auditor has clearly stated "we are on an unsustainable fiscal path", year after year.  You can read the statements from the trustees on Social Security and Medicare.  You can read GAO's high list.  Read the news of failing banks, investors not wanting to take the risk on Treasury securities, etc. If we have discuss government funding every month now, the writing is in the wall.


    If the status quo is to remain this last half of this decade will get very rough.If No Labels is to succeed it needs to come out now.  Enough of the rhetoric, which is so easy, but actual plans.  My support in time and contributions depends on clearly outlined plans for all Americans to hear, if it has to be brutally honest, then it is time, we as adults, bear the news and make change to the wreck that is DC.


  • Robert

    all i can say is ive never had a political party to support. No Labels is the closest ive felt to having one, you have my support and vote if you get on the ballot. there is no way my vote is going to either Biden or trump, honestly both should not be allowed back in any political office again. thanks for the real numbers too, i knew something was off with the ones i was seeing in most of the papers as most are bought and paid for by one of the 2 big parties. Funny how neither the repiublican or democrat model for america was what our founding fathers actually wanted for this great country..

  • Maurice
    Voted Yes

    I will never again vote for Trump, Hillary,  or Biden. I will vote for anyone else. 

  • RobertGarringer
    Voted Yes

    It is time for an alternative to the gridlock of our divisive government. It just makes common sense to put forth a slate of candidates that are moderate and focused on solutions to our most pressing issues.



  • wcarll
    Voted Yes

    No Labels' analysis is compelling, but its conclusion, that a third-party ticket can win, only make sense when No Labels has secure ballot positions in most swing States.

    So far, No Labels has only12 States.  Let's get moving!!! 

  • David

    While I voted for Biden in 2020, and will never vote for Trump (or any MAGA supporter), it is disappointing our current choices are two old white guys. I'm 74, but we need new vigor and new thinking. We have lost our morale consciousness and courage to do the hard right thing - save our democracy and stop the slide to autocracy. During previous perilous times, we had leaders (not necessarily that we totally agreed with them), who stood up and served the best interests of the country. Where are these "leaders" now?! Why don't normal Republicans stand up and repudiate Trump?! We can and need to be better! Our enemies are taking advantage of this dysfunction. 

  • David
    Voted Yes

    Well said!  Who we gonna run?

  • Phillip

    I agree with everything in this memo!  Very dissatisfied with a Biden-Trump rematch.  Either will be bad for America.  One argument we're going to get is that if we don't get a MAJORITY of Electoral Votes the decision will go to the House with one vote per state.  Have we done the Electoral College analysis?