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No Labels

The recent lost opportunities for moderates to work across the isle in Congress have convinced me that the parties, even the moderates in the parties, are still putting party loyalty at a higher priority than the welfare of our country.  And the hypocrisy is deep on both sides.  Watching all of the Democrats work with 5 radical right-wingers to unseat the Speaker, while those 5 Republicans criticize the Speaker and his supporters for "working with Democrats", is just as bad as seeing all of the Democrats stick together to defeat any Republican candidate.  So, they ended up with the principal architect of Trump's stategy to overturn the election as the second in line to become President if something happens to Biden and Harris.  And, watching the Democrats work in the Republican primary here in Maryland to ensure that the worst, least electable Republican got nominated for Governor shows me that the parties have resorted to trying to undermine each other at the expense of undermining the who country.  They will INTENTIONALLY leave us with a choice between the two worst possibilities, not the best possibilities.

So, I want to see a President who can break this cycle by showing it to be a loosing strategy.  I don't want to just assure that Trump loses, I want to see both parties lose.  And then I want to see moderates in both parties start working together in Congress, with the realization that they can kick to the curb the extremists on both the right and the left that stymie progress no matter which party has a narrow majority.

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