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Is No Labels a Political Party?

Do you support increased ballot access?

  • Trollhunter_Fam
    Voted Yes

    Political Party is such an ambiguous term. If by Political Party you mean electing members of a political stripe then obviously no. If Political Party is made to mean a group of individuals working together to influence political decisions then Yes, you absolutely are.

    Why does No Labels spend so much breath defending language that is so open to interpretation. Focus on higher priorities!


    Is their a fee to run int the NLP for running as a U.S. House Rep

  • Eric
    Voted Yes

    Status quo in the federal government has become dysfunctional. Creating the opportunity for a third candidate to run for president will force new thinking that can lead to new, better ideas. 

  • Sara Jane
    Voted Yes

    Gaining access to ballots is essential to support voting rights.