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No Labels

in the last 12 presidential elections I have for Republicans, Democrats and an Independent. No Labels Unity Ticket is something that has not been tried, to my knowledge, in the last 100 years; not to elect a candidate(s) from a new party, but a Pres & VP from both of the current major US parties. As I understand, these two will be recognized members of those parties and would remain members after winning the election. When they run their own campaign I expect many moderate/centrist members will support them; if those members have to courage to put country above party. This is not speculation, they are already members of the House Problem Solvers Caucus and their collegues in the Senate. The election of our Unity Ticket will challenge the current party leaders and enable a centrist majority in the House to elect a Speaker who will champion collaboration across the aisle (maybe they will ignore the aisle!). 

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