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Exclusive Invite: Update from Ryan Clancy

Do you support more choices on the ballot?

  • Ira

    I think that recent events have made it imperative for No Labels to change its strategy, which was designed when (naively) it was thought that the No Labels candidate would be the only third-party candidate around.  What has now happened is that No Labels is not simply competing with the nominees of the two major parties; there are third-party candidates in the race, and No Labels is competing with them for the votes of people who are disenchanted with Trump and Biden.  People are deciding now whether they think RFK Junior or Cornel West are good enought to commit to.

    No Labels will not get, and does not need to get, 58% of the vote.  If it gets more than the votes for the other two legacy parties in any state - say 35-40% of the vote - it will pick up those electoral votes (in most states).  But the other third-party candidates are eating away at the chances of getting that many votes for No Labels.

    If No Labels is to have a chance of running a ticket of recognized, respected,  moderate candidates against Biden and Trump it has to declare that ticket NOW.  Today.  It needs names and faces if it is to be in the race.  In four months too many people will already have made up their mind; and even if 3rd party candidates pull off a coup and gather more votes than either Trump or Biden, one of the two will still get a plurality in the various states and win, because No Labels will have shed votes to RFK and West.  For No Labels, RFK and West are a bigger problem than for Biden, because they're eating No Labels' lunch first and foremost. 

  • Roland
    Voted Yes

    Most Americans have spoken clearly that they do not want either of the presumptive nominees being propelled by their respective Parties.  Regardless of what Americans want both established Parties appear to be committed to their chosen nominees.  

    Americans not only deserve more choices they have a right to them.  The Parties have no right to mandate and limit which candidates Americans can vote for, that is the voters prerogative.

    No Labels is providing this choice and that is intimidating to both Parties. 

  • Manny
    Voted Maybe

    I think there is a lot of potential support for a third party candidate in theory.  But it will be very difficult to find one who can appeal to both progressives disenchanted with Biden and traditional Republicans disenchanted with Trump.  Having a third party line as a fallback is OK but I would first work within the present parties to try and get the nomination for an alternative.

  • BobB

    Extremists from the Left and from the Right have been screaming at one another over the heads of the majority of American citizens who inhabit the political center.  They each, with the media who loves to report a good fight, have a death-grip on their own party, on civility, and on the progress we could be making as a nation.  Only by the center--independents, liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats--lifting their voice to reclaim our country's leadership, can we once again unite as the country we were meant to be.

  • JRinMontana
    Voted Yes

    The United States nneds to elect a president that will back common sense solutions that are fiscally and morally responsible.

  • Gregory

    This movement is essential, although there is a misguided conception that it is spoiler proof on the basis of a handful of historic examples of cases in which third party campaigns could not be proven to have caused a spoiler effect.  In reality, in 2024, the unity ticket may very well get Trump re-elected.  This should not dissuade the creation of the unity ticket for 2024 - however, it will be impertive that any such ticket be committed to withdrawing its candidacy if there is clear statistrical proof through polling that its continued candidacy will cause a spoiler effect favoring the election of the more extreme candidate of the two major parties.  Further, it should be the policy of No Labels that upon such withdraw of candidacy, it will throw its full weight of support behind the less extreme of the two remaining major candidates.  This is the only way to guarantee the lack of a spoiler effect and protect the future of our democracy...

  • Robert
    Voted Yes

    More choice is always good! Do you want chocolate or vanilla or _______


    Thanks Bob

  • Dennis
    Voted Yes

    We need leadership that cares more about the American people than they do a party. We need term limits so that being in congress is a privilege and not a career. 

  • Chadwick
    Voted Yes

    The Republicans and Democrats pander exclusively to the far Left and far Right bases. The US political duopoly has become ineffective. Congressmen and Senators no longer legislate. They soend over half their funds on social media and re-election campaigns. None work together. None actually care about legistaling. 

    1. Rank Choice Voting (enables 3rd parties to get real votes)

    2. Expand Congress (more representatives means more dilution of the extremists)

    3. Term Limits (only people who actually care will run and thus legislators will actually care about legislating as opposed to reelection)

    4. Campaign Finance Feform (need more transparency; need 3rd parties a real shot so that coalitions must be formed in order to push forward meaningful legislation)


    We need more centrists and more moderates. But honestly, if you threw in some Libertarians and Green Party representatives it will only make discussions more fruitful with more opinions. 

  • Galy

    At this moment in history the priority is to protect our democracy. We need to send a clear message to the MAGA Republic party that the great majority of Americans support and protect the constitution over any political party or cult.

    I will prioritize my vote (whenever possible) to any of the 10 Republicans that voted to impeach Trump, because they have already demonstrated that the constitution comes before the party. After that, my vote will go to any possible Democrat candidate with the understanding that I am not a Democratic party member, I am just against this new MAGA Republic party/cult.

    After sending a clear message, in the 2024 elections, that there in not place in our society for the MAGA cult and as a No Labels movement believer, I will support candidates for the house and the senate with no party affiliation.


  • MurfVT
    Voted Yes

    With the current two "front-runners" who in God's name would not want more choices?

  • Diane
    Voted Yes

    I am tired of the sane old characters that appear over and over in both administration's. Panetta. Susan Rice, 

    Blinken, etc.  Better choices for Republicans than all the shady peeps around Trump.  More consideration for OUR people than involving ourselves in prolonged wars. Toughness, not cowardice.