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Why We Believe an Independent Unity Ticket Could Win

Do you support more choices on the ballot?

  • BobB
    Voted Support

    Although both major parties are sworn enemies, they agree on one agenda item, "Prevent the emergence of a serious, centrist challenge". The extremists on the Democratic left and the Republican right fear, justly fear, an oppprtunity for the broad center of America to reject them both.

  • Al

    An Independent Moderate Presidential ticket is the gateway to democracy in the 21st century.

  • Rick
    Voted Support

    I've not been a party member other than to register and be able to vote in a primary in my closed-primary state.  Today, I am very disappointed by what i here from the two big parties - and especially about the leading candidates in the polls.  I don't follow polls, as I know that how the questions are worded, who asks, and who answers will predetermine the answer and satisfy whomever pays for the polling.

    Besides policy disagreements it is obvious to me that it is way past time to pass the baton to another generation - BOTH Trump and Biden are too old and too beholden to their 'bases'.  

    I believe that in 2024 there are enough disgusted and disenfranchised voters like me to elect NoLabels proposed 'unity' ticket. 

    I am fine with not naming the two candidates until March 2024 as there is too much noise in the system between now and then.  I want experienced and reasonable people who can work with others and represent ALL Americans - not a tiny sliver on the left or right.  


  • Cynthia

    Never before have I felt so depressed by the candidates presently running g for office from both the dem and repub parties.

    Voted Support

    I believe that the Political Duopoly of the Republican and Democratic Parties have created a business model that has turned politics into a moneymaking opportunity. In the process they have failed to address issues of critical importance to America from Immigration and Border Security to Education, Healthcare, Public Safety, and more. Most importantly, while fighting over control of the rudder of our Ship of State, they have put us on a course towards the rocky shoal of financial disaster. This is exactly the situation that Washington warned about 223 years ago, where partisan loyalty trumps national interest. The idea that there are only two solutions to any problem is an illusion in the minds of the partisans. The growing belief that only their way is the only right way has lead the two parties to further and further extremes and to increasing frustration and anger. There is no good way out of this unless we recognize that there are more than two solutions to any given problem. Americans are finally waking up to this reality.


    Approximately 63% of Americans are dissatisfied with the options presented by the Duopoly. And, 40% no longer identify themselves with either party. The pending Presidential Election offers an unique opportunity break the Duopoly’s logjam, and let our Democracy work as it should to serve the interests of the country as a whole. Previous Third Parties have been acted as spoiler because they have been either expressions of individuals (Teddy Rosevelt, Ross Perot, Trump) or extremists that have drawn support from primarily one side or the other of the Duopoly. This time is very different because of the tremendous void in the Center. The potential for a viable Third Party is greater than ever because it will draw moderates from both parties and will be in a position to ally with either party on an issue by issue basis.


    This is why I’m all in for the No Labels Unity Party effort.

  • Brian
    Voted Support

    Registered Republican here that hasn't voted for a Democrat since Gore. A common sense middle ticket, like a Manchin/Romney for example, would get my vote. 

  • J.P.
    Voted Support

    I'm sick of dysfunction in Congress and of both parties vilifying each other to the point where only extremists on both 'edges' hold sway!  Today I'm fighting back by signing up for 'No Labels' and hoping a candidate like Joe Mancin (or a similar Centrist) may rise to lead this Countey back to 'The Middle'! 

  • Devin
    Voted Support

    The idea that all Americans will ideologically align with two silos on all issues is absurd and one of the weakest aspects of our democracy. It's time to evolve and catch up with others around the world that allow for nuance in the politics process. 

  • Alex
    Voted Support

    Manchón should run for president

  • Dee Ann
    Voted Support

    The GOP has been in horrible chaos !! And the Democrats are trying to turn the United States into a socialist country !! The GOP is supporting Trump to be their candidate !! Trump is a liar ,cheat !! 
    Trump goes off with his comments !! Is a bully and downgrades anyone that doesn't share his ideas !! He is a narcissist maniac !! 
    He is going to court trying to say he isn't guilty of all of the charges 

    brought against him !! He is guilty of all of them!! 
    The Democrats are spending ,spending ,spending !! With no 

    stopping in sight !! All of the ill-legals are putting a strain on health! 
    schools ,etc !! We don't even take care of our own citizens and 

    children !! 
    I am embarrassed the government is in shambles !! 
    and no one ie doing anything about it !! 

  • Kara
    Voted Support

    I am tired of a system that does not elect leaders who reflect the actual values of the American public.  Neither party reflects my values, or the values of my family, or the values of most of the people in my social circles.  We need an alternative, one that actually will represent what the ideals that everyday decent citizens care about.  However, I would like to see polling from No Labels that polls all 50 states - not just the few states set forth in the charts above.  We need to see better data reflecting how each state will respond to a unity ticket or we cannot determine if this has a viable chance.

    Voted Support

    Of course, No Labels (Unity) success depends on exactly who they pick for candidates. Only time will reveal that. But, with the right candidates and the general dissatisfaction with the Democratic and Republican Parties, we may well witness the birth of a new Party. The most interesting aspect of this is that there is no parallel in American history. All previous new parties were either manifestations of a personality (Bull Moose, Perot, Trump, etc.) and/or extremists of the time. This is a first that clearly targets the Center at a time when there is a great void there. If successful in their effort to win the Presidency, we can expect a drive to elect Unity candidates in the next congressional elections and recruit moderates from both parties. Some moderates already in the House and Senate will likely switch to the new Party if Unity wins a substantial vote. A Unity Party doesn’t actually need to constitute the majority of either the House or Senate to become the locus of power. Operating from a Central position, they will be free to ally with either Party and/or moderates from both parties. Common sense can prevail and Democracy can survive.

    I have agreed to serve as a No Labels Elector and Convention Delegate. Assuming that I am selected through their vetting process and they go forward with a Unity Ticket, I will attend their convention in Dallas in March.

  • Judy
    Voted Support

    The best unity ticket would be a moderate Republican and a moderate Democrat!! That might empower bipartisanship in our government. 

  • Bruce

    I am still not certain about how and for whom I will vote. Certainly for not Trump who is responsible, I believe, for unleashing the evils the USA and the world are experiencing--especially the growth of alt-right, extremism. I believe Biden is a good man with some definite accomplishments, although he, too, has too much baggage and is tethered to America's past. As one who left the USA in 2017 following Trump's election, we saw the handwriting on the wall and now divide our time between Portugal and Spain. But we vote in every USA election where we're qualified. And heartsick that the best our homeland can do for 2024 is Biden and Trump. Given the electoral history of third-party candidates, I'm quite anxious about voting that way. But, as No Labels declares, now is the perfect storm, the ideal time to run a new coalition against the old guard. Success of failure, in my opinion, of a No Labels ticket will ultimately depend on the candidates: they must be (relatively) young but experienced, charismatic, and able to rally support behind a sensible, non-partisan platform with bilateral support. Especially from women, suburbanites, black, hispanic, lgbt+ voters, and others who feel marginalized by our current system and state of affairs. 

  • Michael
    Voted Support

    The current two parties are more focused on doing what's best for thier respective party and not what is best for the country.

  • Greg

    I am impressed by the polling which shows an increased favorable interest since December in what No Labels advocates, which is common sense solutions and an additional choice on the ballots besides Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

  • Eric
    Voted Support

    It is appropriate to challenge the status quo given few are happy with it. I like the patient approach that No Labels is taking to deciding on whether and who to run.  I'm not sure how productive it is to try to predict the outcome at this point but I look forward to next year and support No Labels continuing on the path that we are on. 

  • JonBeresford
    Voted Support

    If Biden and Trump are nominated, as expected, we (the majority of the American voters) want and need an alternative moderate choice.

  • Frans
    Voted Support

    Only a strong charismatic unity candidate can convince congress to change their ways from just caring about reelection and being in the media limelight to caring about why they are in congress to begin with, to serve the people. Neither party's favorites for nomination has those qualities.

  • Rick
    Voted Support

    As times goes on and the extremes (and the aged) of both parties speak out I am more and more convinced that it is past time for a generational change - and more choice on the ballot.  The moderate voices in our country must speak - and vote.

    People in their 40s/50s/and early 60s and their children are going to pay for the bad decisions made by gov't - or benefit from the good ones made in their best interest.  We were given an incredible republic by our ancestors.  I hope it will be there for my grandkids.

    My principal concern is the apparent lack of civic knowledge by many in the population and the decline in our public education system as it diverts resources and time to ethnic studies rather than reading, writing, speaking, mathematics, science, language, AND history.

  • Maryann
    Voted Support

    I have not met a single person that actually wants a Biden-Trump show down again.  With that as a choice, people are voting AGAINST something, rather than FOR something. That almost ripped our country apart last time, and will certainly succeed this time.  We need to be able to proudly vote FOR what our country needs.  I believe that those truly running our country right now (on both sides), are completely out of touch with most Americans.  What do we really want?  It's layed out very nicely in the Common Sense document that No Labels has created.  We want freedom - in it's many forms.  We want peace and safety.  We want our leaders to be fiscally responsible.  We want to the rising generations to be prepared, and we want to leave behind the best world possible.  We want to care for those in need and lift them up in a way that they can then help care for others.  We want to give and serve and love. 

    We may not all agree on how to accomplish this.  But our current systerm hasn't been very effective about that either.

    It's time for No Labels!!  And I'm excited.   

  • William
    Voted Support

    The two parties that believe that more choices can't benefit our democratic republic, are only limiting us.  They want to stay in charge of we the people.   

  • Ronald

    Had the Commission on Presidential Debates been fair in 2020 and allowed Jo Jorgensen to debate the other two candidates, she may be our president now.  This commission not only did not invite her to the debates, but they denied her entry when she asked.  That was not fair to her or to the American People.  Combine that with the fact that none of the mainstream news media mentioned her at all, and we came away from an election with a third-party candidate on the ballots of all 50 states that many Americans never heard of.  To this day, when I mention a female candidate for the last election, people have actually told me that Hillary didn't run in that one.  They have no idea who Dr. Jorgensen is.