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Can Congress find a way to work together?

Do you believe Congress can find a way to work together?

  • JP
    Voted Yes

    While always acknowledging the “battle ground” issues that divide them, Congress needs to find a way to focus on the “common ground’ solutions that unite them.

  • Pamela
    Voted No

    Until we stop the decisive political stands and rejetoric and our representatives showing that compromise is a bad thing for their political goals, we won't get there. The data clearly shows where their constituents and the citizens  are yet it seems to make zero difference. 

  • Eric

    Moderate Democrats and Republicans should join together to elect Brian Fitzpatrick as Speaker. This will end the partisan "tradition" in the House and set the stage for a new era of bipartisanship. 

  • Duane
    Voted No

    Most in Congress apparently do not work for us. Lobbyists expect a return on their 4 billion or so spent on lobbying efforts. With a 14 percent approval rating Congress must be working for someone else. The Republic is for sale. Sometimes hope isn't enough.