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Let’s avoid a shutdown and get our debt under control

While Washington is headed toward another partisan shutdown the Problem Solvers Caucus in Congress has a plan

  • Leah

    I know if thier is a shutdown, it will consist of non-essential, which is most of our government, stop the political theater, they do the same damn thing everytime they try to make a budget which McCarthy compromises on , stop the wasteful spending, quit sending our money to Ukraine, let them settle thier problem with Russia themselves, we don't need to be involved in it!, do your jobs and balance the outrageous budget you created and quit the scare tactics.

  • Donald

    McCarthy needs to put the Problem Solvers plan up for a vote! He will never satisfy the nut jobs.  I say that as a lifelong Reagan conservative.  Trump and the nut jobs are not true conservatives.

  • JP

    Couldn't agree more!