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America: A Beacon of Democracy

Is America's influence across the globe in jeopardy?

  • AltoEd

    I am split on this issue.  Our dealings with countries in the eastern hemisphere is costing our country dearly.  Soon our debt will be downgraded further.  The countries of that hemisphere have battled for centuries and will continue to battle. Russia lost big time in Afghanistan. China too is having huge issues with their economy.  Iran has its own struggles with oppression and near rebellion.  Maybe for a time we hold back and replenish our strength financially and secure a safer western hemisphere.  Of course this means some international companies will be affected and my skepticism is that this is the only reason we have a strategic interest over there.

  • JosephAFeiccabrinoJr
    Voted Yes

    The world is much better off with the United States playing a major roll in the leadership and development of international law.  First America stands for freedom and rights of individuals and groups.  Russia and China Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea are dictatorships.  In their power grab both current governments murdered large amounts of their own citizens and both on a regular basis use military on their own citizens to pacify and subdue them.  Second is Capitalism inspires growth of countries, business, and individuals.  All are inspried to improve the living situations.  Communisim may work in a very small localized area like a Monastery, but for a country fails miserabley.  Communisim pacifies a country and makes its citizens dependant on the government to provide for them.  There is no incentive to better oneself for the government just takes it away and gives it to others.  Only the people in power get improved and rich, the common people just suffer and are forced to labor.  The America provides for the freedom of life.  People are allowed to populate rural areas and are allowed as many children as desired.  Russia and China both force populations into Urban areas, only people that they wish to limit influence of and do not desire to directly kill are permitted to live in rural areas.  They also control population by controling number of children that are permitted and do forced abortions.  Wich do you find to be more morally and ethically desireable to control they way you live?


    China, Russia and Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea are in Eastern Europe and Asia, why should this effect me as an American?  It is not just in Europe and Asia, there are currently 3 countries that have dictator communist governments in Nortern part of South America, 2 with water bourders with the United States.  There are multiple countries in South America with sizeable communist movements.  China and Russia would love to strengthen these countries and movements to create issues influence and tensions in the United States.  Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea is more then willing to sell weapons for money with these South American Countries and communist groups.  History has also showed that when the United States ignores activities in Europe and Asia that it results in major attacks and conflicts that the United States is made a part of, WWI, and WWII are examples.  It is better to address this when it is a smaller issue.


    For business and commerse reasons.  In a world controled by Russia and China are we going to be allowed to compete?  Only if there is a benefit to Russia and China.  We already have issues with China pireting our intelectual ideas, and counterfitting our products.  This will only increase and China will sell these products below market value, and possibly also below cost to manufacture just to increase the damage it brings to the United States.


    I am not sure that the United States should be controling the world or act as the worlds police force.  It would be much better if we were apart of multiple trade aggreement, and mutural defense treaties.  that we continue our participation in the United Nations.  We should be a major influence in world policy but should also be acting with our allies and friends.  That a strong state department be envolved with our allies and friends be where the control of the world is.  We should never allow China and Russia to have their way with the world.

  • JosephAFeiccabrinoJr
    Voted Yes

    Our current foregin policy has been permitting and encouraging Russia to seek to rebuild the USSR and to extend it to include all the former WARSAW Pact countries and territories.  It has also encouraged China to build the worlds largest military and naval forces, and to expand its world wide influence.  The Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea and Iran to expand their influence on the World.  For communism to groww and spread in South America.  This is all very bad for the United States and tarnishes our view by the world.